Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Coming back...

I think I've decided I might just start this blog up again.  The only thing that was holding me back is my own self-consciousness in my writing skills...well, and my thinking skills.  I feel like people who keep blogs are really deep thinkers, and I would never really call myself a deep thinker.  I take that back, I would say that I have deep thoughts, they're just not overly intellectual.  If that's possible.

I think I won't tell anyone that I'm doing this for awhile, and then later if I feel like it I'll spread the word.

Anyways that's besides the point.  I'm going to keep a blog starting now and going through the next semester documenting a major life transition time.  I started getting serious about my graduation and future job today.  I visited with my advisor in the COMM department this morning to make sure that I am lined up to graduate in the fall.  I forgot to register in November like I was supposed to, and so right now I don't have all of the classes I need.  I need to get into Finance 409, and I've been trying, but it looks like I might have to wait until add-drop week.  I also made a stop into the Texas A&M Career Center this afternoon to meet with an advisor who helped me put together my resume.  As I was sitting in the waiting room I started to get overwhelmed with the whole job search that I'm just beginning.  Apparently resume writing is its own art form, so is interviewing.  Then, if I do happen to get a job when will I start and what exactly will it be?  I'm just not sure that I know what I want to do yet.  How did college go by so fast?  I was supposed to have it figured out by now.  Right now I'm looking into an entry level Human Resources position, possibly directed toward college recruiting.  Wouldn't that be fun??  I'll keep updating as the search progresses.  

Did I mention I'm going with Campbell to see George W. Bush speak at Graduation convocation this Friday?  That's right.  The current president of the United States will be in College Station this Friday.  I'm stoked.  :)

hmm ok that's all for now.
love sarah

1 comment:

Cheryl Boyd said...

Sarah, Dear, keep up the blogging! You are great. It isn't about being deep or intellectual. It is sharing your life, thoughts, perspective and expressing yourself. You are beautiful (inside as well as outside) and I love hearing you express what's inside! I love you!