Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hola Mis Amigos!!

So I've made it to my first stop in Madrid, but not without a few kinks upon arriving. Nothing too serious except for my debit card did not work when I got here and so I had no way of getting Euros. After 2 collect calls with mom she finally got my card to work and I was off to flag down a taxi.

My taxi driver did not speak a lick of english, and I don't speak a lick of spanish. My first language crisis. I guess we were able to communicate enough for him to understand where I needed to go, and he was very patient with me. He told me about all of the attractions in Spain that we were passing on the way and I kind of repeated the words he said like I was understanding it somehow. All i could think to say was "Oh, es muy bonita!" I said that about the bank, some kind of arches that were cool, the military headquarters...Everything...muy bonita!

I'm at my hotel now and it's perfect. So cute. My room is quaint and perfect. I'm in the lobby right now on my computer and it's really pretty. There are just open doors leading to balconies all over the 9th floor. It's so pretty. Muy bonita.

Anyways, just thought I'd let ya'll know that I made it over here! We'll see if i venture out into the streets of Madrid. That may be my adventure tomorrow. Right now i'm going to go sleep off the jet lag.


Cheryl Boyd said...

Hey there, Sarah!!! I am so proud of you, you world traveler! I can't wait to keep up with your adventure through your blog!!! Love you!

Iwan, Julia said...

Sarah, this is Julia. Cheryl posted about you in her blog & I decided to have a look at it. All the ditails about your trip are awesome. They make me feel that I'm travelling with you (I've never been to Spain). Keep posting & have a great time in Europe!!!

Cheryl Boyd said...

Jules, When are you and Iwan going to start a blog on life in Indonesia? :)